So a huge package arrives the other day, and I wonder what it is. Jon starts laughing, says it's a necessary addition to our home, and asks me to close my eyes. So I'm thinking maybe it's a pretty floral arrangment or a framed picture or something, but no. It was a gong. Yes, that's right... my husband bought a gong. This is NOT a joke. I think he was tired of me screaming at the top of my lungs, "Come and eat!!! at dinner-time." But instead of summoning my family to meals with the traditional dinner bell, or a triangle, we now have a GONG!!! He was too thrilled with it to even think about trying to convince him to return it, (plus it was on sale!) What am I going to do with this man??? He certainly keeps me laughing. ;) So it hangs right there in our dining room. The modern gong- a must have addition to any classy home.

oh WOW! That's really awesome! I could use one of those...ha ha. Jon sounds very helpful. :o)
That is hilarious! Next you'll have to get him to buy you a little bell to ring in case you're ever sick in bed and need him to bring you something...
That is hilarious. Very creative though, gotta love it!
How funny! I need the link so I can get one for our house too!
this is hilarious!
LOL!!!! Oh my GOSH! Your daughter staring at it is the funniest. I would love to hear her thoughts of this new thing that commands everyone's attention. I love it.
Where can I buy one?
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