He did it! My Master of Mathematics graduated on May 15th. And a week later, he passed that incredibly difficult exam we've been stressing about. So life is good. What a relief! Too bad there's not much time to celebrate... we've got to sell this house, then we're off to Wisconsin for our next adventure!

He had me wear the cap for a picture too, because he said I earned it as much as he did. :) I have to say, that as difficult being a mommy is sometimes I'm glad that's my calling in life, because statistics make me barf.

All hail to the conquering hero!!! We will be celebrating Tyler's MBA this summer - hooray! Congratulations to you both for making it happen. :o)
Statistics make me "barf" too but I am so thrilled for you guys!!! What an accomplishment!
Wow! Wow! Wow! Congradulations!!! I personally know what a great day that is!
I hope that everything goes well with you guys...selling and moving and everything! We are so happy for you! I just wish you were moving closer to us!
We bought a house, by the way, and are moving the end of June. But we are just staying in the same city! Check my blog for more details later! But I just wanted yo to know how happy I am for this part of your life to be accomplished! No more school!!! What a great day! Love ya!
Congratulations! That is so exciting. And I agree with you. Being a mom is hard, but I would much rather do that then statistics or doctoring (science makes me barf.:) )
Congratulations Jon, and to the entire Hudson Family. What an accomplishment! Good luck on the move... I can't imagine having to pack for 6... I only wish the move were farther to the west! Tell Jon "We are proud of you, say we are proud of you". :)
Wahoo! Did you ever doubt he would pass? He's the Quinn Mallory of statistics. ;)Good luck on the upcoming busy-ness!We'll be praying that the house selling moves quickly!
Congratulations!!! That is awesome.
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