Our little Benny-bud has also started school. He's enrolled in a 4K program here and he really enjoys it. It's a great (and free!) preschool opportunity offered by the school district to help prepare 4 year-olds for kindergarten. It's well organized, with wonderful teachers (and did I say, free?!)

It's been nice to have a little extra time with Charity and Baby Jakey. We usually read together, have learning time, or go grocery shopping. I can't believe how much easier it is to shop with only 2 kids. (Although I remember complaining to Mr. Wonderful about shopping with 2 kids when Celeste and Benny were little.) Interesting how perspective changes the more kids you have... ha ha!

Brotherly love!

I'm really happy here in Wisconsin, but now that life is getting more fast-paced and stressful with my new church calling, and Jon's responsibilities at work, and the kids activities, I have had a tendency to get caught up in trying to get everything done, and help get everyone where they need to be, and keep everything clean (that's a joke), and keep everybody fed and happy. Sometimes, I try to "run faster than I have strength" and then I get discouraged. It seems that all too often I forget to stop and simply enjoy the moments. Here is a quote by Anna Quindlen that makes me cry and inspires me at the same time:
"But the biggest mistake I made as a parent is that I did not live in the moment enough. This is particularly clear now that the moment is gone, captured only in photographs. There is one picture of the three of them sitting in the grass on a quilt in the shadow of the swing set on a summer day, ages six, four, and one. And I wish I could remember what we ate, and what we talked about, and how they sounded, and how they looked when they slept that night. I wish I had not been in such a hurry to get on to the next thing: dinner, bath, book, bed. I wish I had treasured the doing a little more and the getting it done a little less."
This quote resonates with me so much because one of my worst fears would be to be so busy running around and getting things done, that I would completely miss the point of it all... which is to find joy in this journey called motherhood. I don't want to look back in regret someday, so I think I'll take a moment right now and go watch my little ones sleep. For all too soon, precious moments like these will be gone.
so true about motherhood - I think I am really enjoying it since having another baby because now I know how fast it goes by. LOVE the updated picture with all of your kids holding hands walking in the grass with that amazing light coming through. Hope you are able to not feel too overloaded - please let me know if your kids needs a playdate while you do YW stuff! :)
Those are such cute pictures of the kiddos! They all look so excited for school. I like that quote. It reminds me of President Monson and Elder Wirthlin's talks from last year. Life is about the journey that we each go through. Thanks for that sweet reminder :)
I LOVE your new header picture with the title of that song - so precious! You are an amazing mom! Miss you!!!
I'm so excited to see the flower in Celeste's hair!!! She looks so cute! What a great picture!
I'm glad that you are doing well.
I too, feel like I get caught up in the hustle and bustle of everything. You have the right perspective on it. It truely is such a blessing to be a mom, and it is so much better to find joy in it, than to just be depressed about all the things you think you "aren't" doing. Whenever I get overwhelmed, I remind myself that it will all be over too soon. Already, I find that I can not remember much about Joshua as a baby. Luckily we have pictures, cause I think even if I try, I won't remember everything. I hope that we can play it back in heaven. Like on our own movie screen. That would be nice. To re-watch our kids (of course we'de only watch the precious moments!)
Anyway, your doing great!
Holy Moley! Baby Jakey is looking so grown up! He has so much personality! I'm so glad Benny and you get to take advantage of the 4k thing. They have it here too and isaac is loving it so much! I totally know what you mean about the 2 kids thing. I'm still pinching myself that I only have two at home during the day.i can get so much done and shopping is actually fun again! I love being able to cuddle with the kiddies with a book or zoom around on the floor with cars and trucks. Thanks for the quote on Mother hood! I was just thinking tonight about that since I got to spend some extra time tucking in Daniel. In the back of my mind I was reminding myslef to make it quick cause I had things to do, but then I had to stop myself and take a moment to remember that how special this time really is. After that I just loved up the moment and I know Daniel did too. miss you!
I will have to take your advice and take the time to enjoy every moment I can with my family. The best moments in life pass you by if you don't take the time and savor them.
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