I was able to go HOME to Washington State last week with baby Jakey for my cousin's wedding. I had the most wonderful time. As much as I love my life here in Ohio, I often miss the fresh air and the TREES in the Pacific Northwest. In my opinion, it's the most beautiful place on earth.

My beautiful cousin and her new hubby. It was such a gorgeous wedding... so heartfelt and full of meaning, I'm so grateful to have been there. Congratulations Megan and Ed!!

My brother Joey on his Ninja bike. Isn't that a sweet picture?!! Um, yeah... he's pretty much a stud!
Baby Jakey meeting Nana Jodie (Jon's mom) for the first time!
Wow, what a whirlwind of a trip! I have to say, Jon was sure happy to have me home. He was practically ready to worship me when he came to get me at the airport. As much as he appreciates all that I do, I think playing Mr. Mom for a week was good for him to really understand how demanding it is to be a homemaker. I don't think he's the only one who will be happy that Mommy is back. When I first saw little Charity at the airport I asked, "Sweetie, what did you guys do with daddy?" She replied with one word... "pizza". It cracked me up!!! These kids might enjoy a little variety in their diet again. :)
That is just a priceless response! Sean about had a coronary when I asked him to watch all four kids while I went to the orientation for N's school--I can't imagine how he would react if I wanted to leave for a week (even if I took E~ with me).
Is your house still standing?
yeah, we could go hiking sometime at that park... do you live close by that park?
so question...i thought i would ask you insteand of my acquaintance...anyways..this is what she said in her blog: infectious disease specialist" that will hopefully help rid my body of "MRSA".
What's MRSA?
Hey Steph,
We actually don't live close to that park, but it's really close to the church, so occasionally we go for walks on Sundays.
As for the MRSA question... MRSA is a staph infection on the skin caused by bacteria. Unfortunatly, it's resistant to most antibiotics, and it can potentially be fatal because it can spread beneath the skin to other organs in the body. It usually is only spread in nursing homes and hospital settings, but recently another type of MRSA has been going around in communities... ours included. We had some breakouts around in this area last year... mostly from locker rooms and gyms. I knew a couple people that live around here with MRSA. If you have more questions you could probably just google it and get more info that way. Hopefully this answers your question! Good luck to your friend!
Boy it sure sounds like you are having fun! And what a cruel thing to do to Jon!!(just kidding) I didn't know you guys were in Ohio; where are you at? It is too bad you and Jon are not out here in Washington, my wife, Ashleigh, wants to meet you both. I think I told her too many stories of school at Central. Looks like you are doing good though.
I decided to comment on your blog instead of reply to your comment on my again. I nearly had a heart attack at the picture of your Aunt Terri. She looks amazing! And I loved the little baby you could see asleep behind the bride and groom sitting down to eat. Priceless. Where in Ohio do you live? I have a friend moving to Ohio in a couple of months. Her husband is going to be attending graduate school, and I can't remember where because I never paid attention (what do I know about Ohio?) Anyway, I am excited to add you to the list of blogs I check (albeit sporadically).
I hope you enjoyed your trip home. It looks absolutely breathtaking there!
Nicole, that is the first picture I have seen of Aunt Terri. Thank you for adding that. I have been curious as to how she looks now. Wow, she looks great. We are sure happy for her. And it looks like you had a good trip. Only, I wish you could have come to David's wedding too. :)
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