No, we're not prego again... we're moving to Milwaukee, Wisconsin! (But not until this summer). Jon will be finished with his Masters Degree in May, so we'll probably move toward the end of June. He has accepted a wonderful job offer as an Actuary, and we're really thrilled about this career opportunity. We've prayed about this decision, and although it's bittersweet, we've received a definite confirmation that it's right for us. Isn't it wonderful when the answer comes so strongly, that there is no hesitation?
We have LOVED living in Ohio. We've made so many wonderful friends here, and we will miss everyone terribly, but all I can say is, thank goodness for blogs!! So now begins the ordeal of moving. We have a lot more stuff (and 3 more kids) than we had last time we moved, so I'm a little worried. And it's probably the worst time in the history of real estate to sell, but although it seems extremely overwhelming now, I just need to have faith that everything will work out. I guess that's the comfort of knowing you're making the right choice. Since I know we're supposed to go, I know Heavenly Father will provide a way for it all to happen. Here's a wonderful article that has helped remind me to trust in the Lord.
So to celebrate our decision, we had to take turns parading around in our Cheese hat. (Don't ask me where we got that!?) When we decided to move to Texas, we donned cowboy hats and ran around the house "yee-hawing" everywhere... so we had to carry on the tradition. :)
Milwaukee is a really beautiful area. It's very safe, and it's located right off of Lake Michigan! So I'm looking forward to a trip to the beach this summer! Woohoo!
Oh my goodness! I didn't see this coming. I will miss you. :o(
How sad for us in Ohio... but exciting for you and the lucky new friends you will make in Wisconsin! Sounds like a wonderful opportunity for your family.
We will miss you.
I refuse to start feeling sorry for myself until much closer to summer!
Cheese heads! Criminitalies! What hats did you wear when you came to Ohio?
Bon chance!
That sounds exciting! Congratulations! I hope that everything works out smoothly!
you'll have to let me know about the price of your house... and what not. You know we'll be looking for a house at that time!!! I'll talk to my husband about it and see.. just let me know.
p.s. i'll be sad you'll be leaving!!! especially since we became friends (and you were the first to befriend me!) Good luck with the moving... i know i hate it.
Milwaukee is great. My Grandmother lives there so if I'm in town, I'll look you up!
Isn't it amazing how these things work out? I just know that the Lord will see to it that everything falls into place.
Congratulations! What an adventure your about to embark upon! I worry about moving with 3 little ones... just think of it as having 4 extra sets of hands to "help" :)
Merry Christmas to you and your beautiful family!
I'm so happy for you, but sad for us. It is wonderful when you know the Lord is in charge. Makes everything go much smoother. Let us know if you need any help with getting the house ready, we have a few toys, I mean tools around the house that Bruce has accumulated through the years :)
Dana, definitely look me up! I can imagine the fun we'd have together... you can take me trapezeing (is that a word), and I'll take you skydiving! ;) All of you would have a place to stay the next time you travel up north. :) Thanks for being such great and supportive friends.
We will miss you so much! I'm always happy to hear your insights and to feel of your sweet spirit--and to laugh at your hilarious husband! I guess the only comfort in you guys moving is that we won't be around here either! But, at least we have a few more months to enjoy you all!
I'm so excited for you-- and can totally commiserate on the stress and total chaos of moving with 4 kids. Try not to do the same thing I did and find out you're pregnant in the middle of it all ;)
Good luck with the house stuff. We still own our house there, but we have renters with a 2 year lease! I think that was the most stressful part of it all-- the house stuff.
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