The organization of our church is really remarkable. Every family is assigned what's called 'home teachers' who help take care of our needs and deliver a message from the prophet every month. I got really sick last week (just in time for my trip to WA that I had been looking forward to for a year) and we called Brother Asp to help give me a blessing. And I swear, he was here in less than 10 minutes. It's so wonderful to have someone to call when our family needs help. Our home teacher was so faithful and diligent, we dubbed him "Super-Asp". Our whole family is crushed though because he and his dear wife are moving to Colorado. :( So as an expression of our appreciation, we got him a little going away present... but the only condition was that he had to wear it all the way home! It was hilarious! We'll miss you Gary and Sarah!
I am so sorry you got sick right before your vacation. I hope you were still able to have a good time. The Super Asp idea is really cool. Thank goodness for the priesthood and awesome home teachers.
That is AWESOME! You guys are so creative! :o) I hope you had a great time in WA. Are you feeling better?
I love it! I hope he continues to wear it! We will miss them too. They are a wonderful family1
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